Eat More, Weigh Less


Stop Counting Calories.

Start Healing your Metabolism.

Eat More, Weigh Less!

If you've been struggling to release weight and keep it off for good you are not alone!

Most weight loss plans rely on restriction, willpower, and incomplete or faulty science that don't get you sustainable results. 


The Eat More, Weigh Less Program shows you how to optimize weight  sustainably in a way that works with your body, not against it. 

Start Eating MORE to Weigh Less

The Eat More, Weigh Less Program is more than just "Whole Food Plant Based Eating"


This is your way of optimizing and balancing your unique nutrition and life to experience your weight goals!

Join the Proven Program

 The truth is that...

Lasting weight release does not come from calorie restriction, carb restriction, or crazy exercise regimes. 


Weight optimization comes effortlessly as a natural byproduct of Healing the Metabolism. 

Metabolism is like a fire


Your metabolic fire is designed to convert FOOD into ENERGY that powers everything your body does.


Playing with your kids
Going for a walk
Being creative
Healing your body
all rely upon a healthy metabolism.


With an inefficient metabolism, food is not transformed into energy, but stored on the body as weight.

The metabolic fire can become stifled


It's not due to your AGE or GENETICS or even NOT EXERCISING ENOUGH!


An inefficient metabolism is due to improper fuel in the body - like putting diesel fuel into your sports car.


This creates toxicity that takes a toll on your cellular processes.


It's time to get your metabolic fire roaring again!

Stoke Your Metabolic Flame!

We aren't talking about any fancy protocol or expensive detox regime...


Just optimal and balanced nourishment and lifestyle practices that reboot your metabolism!


DISCLAIMER: This is not a quick fix! This is for people serious about getting to the root of the metabolic issues for good!



This doctor-created program takes you on the fast track to your health and weight goals

Calorie Counting

Crazy Exercise Routines

Restriction or "DIETING"

Toxic relationship with food

Confusion about health

Sluggishness after meals

Mysterious weight gain

Self-criticism, guilt, & shame

Transform your body with food

Satisfaction from real food

Eating to your heart's content

Peace with food

Health and vitality gains

Nutritional clarity & confidence

Freedom from food cravings

Community support & accountability

Meal guides & Resources

Eat More, Weigh Less

On Demand Course and Community

Eat More, Weigh Less


1 time fee

  • Transformative education
  • 1 month of healing meal guides
  • *Lifetime access to Eat More, Weigh Less Community
  • *Lifetime access to Eat More, Weigh Less support calls
  • **Weight release guarantee

*You maintain access to the Eat More, Weigh Less Community Support Group + Regular Live Support Calls (recorded) for as long as this program remains offered by Alter Health.

**If you are unhappy with your experience or have not received benefit from participation in the program you are eligible for a full refund, no questions asked.


Here's What You'll Take Away From This Program?

The curriculum is broken down into 4 key modules covering the WHAT, HOW, WHY, and WHEN of the Eat More, Weigh Less plan:

Hear the Wins!

We want to hear YOURS next.


About The Doctors

Drs. Benjamin and Susanna Alter are licensed naturopathic doctors specializing in whole food plant based nutrition and mind body medicine. Their philosophy of health and life is centered around the self-healing and regenerative potential present in us all. They empower individuals to reconnect with innate health through insight and understanding, optimizing nutrition and mindset through the Thrive on Plants program. When not serving clients, you might find them enjoying whole food plant based meals at the best restaurant in town, their kitchen, or adventuring by foot, bike, or skis in the Colorado Rocky Mountains.

Learn More