New Year, Fresh Start

Make 2023 your healthiest year yet!

 Overcome chronic pain. Reverse inflammatory symptoms.
Strengthen immunity. Boost metabolism. Release toxicity.

December 31st - January 7th

A FREE Online event hosted by Drs. Susanna and Benjamin Alter

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In This 7-Day Challenge, You Will...

βœ“ Learn to eat plant-based in a way that is balanced, sustainable, and will get you lasting healing results. 
βœ“ Understand how to avoid the most common plant-based pitfalls that often sabotage people’s healing efforts. 
βœ“ Enjoy delicious and satiating Whole Food Plant-Based meals that provide optimal nourishment to the body.
βœ“ Receive support and guidance to make simple and satisfying WFPB meals with our 7-day healing meal guide
βœ“ Start reversing chronic symptoms and conditions, including heart disease, insulin resistance, digestive issues, chronic inflammation, immune imbalances, and more. 
βœ“ Master a lifestyle that naturally supports optimal health, energy, and longevity!
βœ“ End any and all confusion you have about human nutrition for good!


(noun)     doc·β€‹tor      Λˆdäk-tΙ™r
from the Latin verb docΔ“re, meaning 'to teach'

Drs. Benjamin and Susanna Alter are licensed naturopathic doctors specializing in holistic lifestyle medicine. Their philosophy is rooted in the fact that the body heals itself, always aiming to create an optimal environment for healing on physical, mental, and emotional levels. Their intention is to provide the education, resources, and knowledge to empower individuals in knowing that they are their own true healer.
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Save My Seat

What Participants Are Saying...

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Join The Challenge & See The Results For Yourself

When you register for the WFPB Challenge you will...

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Receive exclusive invites to daily LIVE sessions on YouTube and/or Facebook throughout the week-long WFPB Challenge.
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Access the Whole Food Plant-Based Challenge 7-Day Meal Guide & Workbook to support you through the life-changing information during the Challenge - and beyond!
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Be invited to our private Facebook community to maximize the support you receive through the Challenge.

Are you ready to make 2023 your healthiest year yet?

Join us online starting Saturday, December 31st for this FREE Whole Food Plant-Based Challenge.
Save My Seat!
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